It’s not a loss of who you were, but an addition. Before I became a mom, I always thought that becoming a mother meant I would have to change who I am to fit that identity. I thought I would have to be okay with giving up a lot of what made me myself. I …
To My Little Girl
I will always love you Even when you cry for hours on end Even when you fight sleep all night long Even when you puke all over my new shirt. I will always love you Even when you throw your food at me Even when you have a meltdown in public Even when you refuse …
People Love To Tell Pregnant Women What To Do
Thanks, but no thanks. If there is one thing I learned during my pregnancy, it’s that people absolutely love giving you their unsolicited advice. Being a person living in the 21st century, I am a frequent user of the internet and social media, so I got the full benefit of literally millions of opinions on …
Babies Are Embarrassing
Your child WILL embarrass you. The week that Sophia had her first plane ride, she had another first as well. Hot springs. We were taking a family vacation in Radium, BC. We go a few times a year to visit Justin’s parents, and stopping at the hot springs is always a must for us. This …
A Tale Of Two Titties
Why breastfeeding is not as easy as it seems. Much like most other stuff surrounding pregnancy and babies, breastfeeding came to me with much difficulty and a huge learning curve. The first time I fed Sophia, I was so high from the painkillers given to me that I couldn’t see what I was doing – …
Digging For The Good Stuff
Trying to find the good in a tough situation. The birth of my child was hard. Nothing went the way I had planned, and it seemed like problem after problem kept popping up. As a nice cherry on top I ended up having an emergency C-section, which was not a pleasant experience. I’m going to …
Making A Birth Plan
How to plan for the big day. One of the questions I always got asked when I was pregnant was “What’s your birth plan?” At first, my witty answer was always “I plan to give birth.” However, I was asked this question so many times throughout the course of my pregnancy that I started to …
Planes, Babies, & Food Poisoning
A Real Mom’s real experience flying with a baby. There are a few things that every plane passenger has experienced at least once; the arm-rest hog, the guy who leans his seat all the way back, the gassy passenger, and last but not least – the crying baby. Let’s be honest, these ALL suck. You …