With Christmas right around the corner, we could all use some gift ideas for the special people in our lives. Being a new mom, I have some great ideas when it comes to shopping for the Mama in your life. So, without further ado; here is my gift guide for the holidays this year!
Gifts For Sleep
Whats the number one complaint you hear new moms make? “I’m tired” rings a bell. Trust me when I say every Mama wants a good sleep more than anything this Christmas. While we can’t actually give the gift of good sleep, we can give products that might help a Mama get there!
Kindle Paperwhite
I cannot sing high enough praise for this E-reader. I’ve been using a Kindle for close to 4 years now, and as much as I love the feeling of a good paperback, I will never go back! The battery life is incredible, it comes with a tonne of storage, and it’s a sturdy little thing. The screen mimics paper (no glare, soft feel) and comes with an adjustable back-light that’s perfect for night-time reading. Reading helps me relax, so I read myself to sleep every single night with my Kindle. If the Mama in your life loves to read, this is a must for Christmas!
White Noise Machine
It’s not uncommon for a new mom to suddenly become a very light sleeper. We’re constantly on alert waiting for our baby to squawk in the middle of the night, and so every little noise now has the ability to interrupt our slumber. For those Mama’s who struggle with this issue, white noise is your answer. White noise is proven to help promote healthier sleep, and can be helpful in drowning out those little noises that keep us from staying asleep. The beauty of this particular sound machine is that it comes with 20 different sounds – 10 fan sounds, and 10 white noise sounds. It also has magnificent volume control, so you can still hear the baby monitor go off when you need to. This machine can (and should!) be used for babies and children as well.
Pillow Spray
If you’ve ever gone to bed with your thoughts racing a mile a minute, you know what it’s like to lie awake until the whole world is asleep. I can’t speak for all moms, but for a long time the night hours were when my brain conveniently decided to start worrying about what kind of food to give my baby, whether or not she would ever sit up, or if she was gaining enough weight. I just couldn’t relax. If you know a Mama who can relate, this pillow spray is a great Christmas gift. It’s made with a blend of essential oils that help the mind and body relax. The smell is nice and mild, and the spray won’t irritate the skin. This is a great product for the Mama who needs a little help relaxing.
Gifts For Me-Time
Another common complaint I hear from the Mama’s in my life is about the lack of time they get to themselves. When we become mothers, it really is tough to find the time to sit down and relax. Meeting the needs of an infant is a full time job. Sometimes, we need a little nudge to remember the importance of allowing time for ourselves. These gifts can help!
Bath Caddy
For me, the absolute best way to relax and have some me-time is in a hot bubble bath. The water is hot, the lights are dim, and my hubby knows only to knock if the house is burning down. Having a bath caddy makes bath time much easier. I can bring in a book, my tablet, a glass of wine, or even some snacks (yes, I sometimes snack while in the tub) without worrying about getting everything wet. This caddy is great – it’s made of bamboo so is durable, water resistant, and environmentally friendly. It’s adjustable to pretty much any tub size, and it has a nice little holder for your wine glass to prevent spills. I recommend this for any Mama who loves her bath time.
Nintendo Switch
I know this gift is definitely on the pricey side, but if it’s in your budget to splurge, this is the gift to help Mama get some much needed me-time. When I’m feeling stressed out and crazy, all I want is some quiet time to play a quick game by myself. The Switch is great, because it can be used both as a handheld portable device, and also as a home console to be plugged into your TV. If the mom in your life is into video games, I promise that you cannot go wrong with this gift.
Fancy Wine Accessory
I’m pretty darn sure that there’s a Mama in your life who loves wine. A wine obsession is often one of those weird things that comes with motherhood. I personally don’t drink wine, but I definitely know some Mama’s who do! For those of you who have a wine-loving Mom in your life, this is a great gift. It’s not just a cork – it’s a chiller, an aerator, a pourer, and a stopper. The price point is incredible for what you get, and it’s small enough to keep in your kitchen drawer.
Although these gifts are great, the best gift you can give to the Mama in your life is gratitude. Raising a child is hard work – sometimes we all just need to hear that we’re doing a good job. So, Merry Christmas, enjoy your shopping, and appreciate your Mama!